Hyperhidrosis Explained - SomaSou Med Spa

Hyperhidrosis Explained

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It’s estimated that nearly 15 million Americans deal with excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating can be not only embarrassing, but can affect your daily life. If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of hyperhidrosis, keep reading to learn how you can treat excessive sweating from the team at SomaSou.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

We all sweat. In fact, humans have anywhere from two to five million sweat glands across our bodies. Sweating occurs to help the body cool down after exercise or in warm climates, or in states of stress and anxiety. Excessive sweating is a completely different issue, though. Adults who suffer from hyperhidrosis experience higher than normal amounts of sweating, which can cause symptoms like itchy skin, body odor, staining of clothes, and in serious cases, soaking through clothes. Hyperhidrosis occurs when individuals sweat excessively without heat or exercise. It typically occurs on the hands, feet, underarms, or face.

What Causes Hyperhidrosis?

The cause of hyperhidrosis is still unknown, but research has shown that individuals with higher body core temperatures are more likely to develop it. Medical conditions like thyroid conditions can also be a culprit. Then there are more external factors that could cause hyperhidrosis, including those who experience skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

Why is Hyperhidrosis a Concern?

Aside from the embarrassment associated with excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis can affect other areas of your life. Because your hands or body are continually slick from sweat, you may have trouble operating machinery, driving a car, playing musical instruments, working, and more. Then there is the reduced quality of life aspect from a social standpoint. Hyperhidrosis can cause a great deal of anxiety or even depression in individuals who do not want to attend social events for fear of embarrassment.

Can Hyperhidrosis Be Treated?

Luckily, the answer is yes! There are treatment options available for men, women, and teens who may suffer from hyperhidrosis. Botox, an FDA-approved substance, can help block nerve signals in your sweat glands. This will help prevent your body from producing too much sweat. Treatments take about 40 minutes to complete and full effects will be noticeable after 10 days. The best part is, you can choose when to have these treatments done based on your lifestyle. Botox can be applied before big events, during the warmer summer months, or even maintained year-round. You can resume normal activities without any recovery time, but you may experience some redness or bruising at the injection site(s). Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours after your injections. To begin a Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis, schedule a consultation with SomaSou to discuss your options.

Combat Hyperhidrosis at SomaSou

Are you dealing with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis symptoms? Contact SomaSou, Del Ray’s first MedSpa offering services to help our community regain vitality, strength, and confidence in themselves. SomaSou means “your body,” and we give you options to help you feel confident about it. Start your journey by taking an active role in your well-being and schedule a consultation with us today. For more information about our services, please contact us here.

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Alexandria, VA 22301

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